CHEF BABETTE: Tips on living healthy, happy, and long

CHEF BABETTE: Tips on living healthy, happy, and long

Some tips from the vibrantly vegan 72-year-old, self-made powerhouse entrepreneur CHEF BABETTE on living healthy, happy, and long. She says, “Love your vessel!”

  • START.  NOW.  “Just start!” she says. “If you’re out of shape, fine. If you’re overweight, fine. Don’t punish yourself further, because being out of shape and overweight, as most Americans are, is punishment enough. Self-hate doesn’t help. Just start wherever you are.”

  •  JUMP-START WITH JUICE. “The first tip I give anyone is no matter what you choose to have in your diet, start your day off with something green. Juice! Before you start loading your body up with foods and drinks that have no nutritional value, give it something green.”

  • RETHINK PROTEIN. “We all need to back off on the protein,” she says. “You don’t need anywhere near what McDonald’s says you need. Are you Serena Williams? No. Okay, are you breastfeeding? Pregnant? Most likely not, but if so, I’m impressed! So, the 46 to 68 grams daily usually recommended is way more than you need.”  

If you’re thinking that vegans don’t get enough protein to build muscle, have a good long look at Chef Babette’s biceps. Quinoa, farro, tempeh (soy which is fermented, for easy digestion), lentils, mung beans, garbanzos (chickpeas), nuts and seeds are all protein-packed.

Fit 72yr old Chef Babett showing her beautiful physique

  • 4 –  WALK DAILY. “Go one mile, then two miles, then add power-walking. Add a few sit-ups, squats or leg raises. Use the street, the park, and your own home as your free gym. Gradually up the ante, and reward yourself with something other than food.”  

    Non-food rewards: a nap, a massage, fresh flowers, a useful kitchen item, a silk pillowcase, a theatre ticket.

    • 5 – DON’T WAIT.  Don’t wait to start eating cleaner and greener, or getting some exercise, just because you want to look cute in your shorts or tights or whatever. “Waiting will not make you cuter. Start now,” cautions Chef Babette.

      “Many of us wait until we get a health scare from a doctor before we really take charge of our health. As in, the doctor says, you need to change your ways or die. Why wait? Today’s the right day, the right time, right now.”


      1. Lilian Tugume says:

        You are my super role model I look up to you chef Babatte, keep the fire burning

      2. Chef I am watching you now and I am 73 and on a plant-based diet for b my kidneys so I need help. My name is Diane and in Phoenix. I am having a problem with energy i seem to lack but need to buckle down more. E I have pneumonia right now but in the last stages of that horrible ordeal.

      3. Michelle Holmes says:

        Great information

      4. Faith says:

        This is Faith from Kenya, I am amazed of how you look at 73. I am looking forward to changing the way I eat . I usually drive almost 2hours going to work and 2hours Coming back from work. so I really get tired and I want is to sleep. Now I can manage food, what exercise I can do every to help my body

      5. Ann says:

        Hi, I am 65 and very much over weight. I use to weigh 165 at 5’9″. But, after an eye surgery in which the meds given to me made me gain weight I now weigh 275. As for my overall health I’m ok, but I want to change now. Where do I start? I’m married to a little man but who is very supportive and loves me No matter what. I just heard of you about 10 minutes ago. Can you help?

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