
The inside track on financial trends, workplace advice, wise investment strategies, retirement planning, real estate market news, entrepreneurship, and mentoring.

Are you often shocked by your monthly bottom-line (and we don’t mean just that rear-view in the mirror)? Let’s examine why and how you over-spend, and how to stop without feeling deprived.

Where Is My Money Going?

Get all your burning Qs answered with financial expert Shelly Eweka!

Financial Q & A

Live your best retired life with these tips on creating additional income.

Crafting Your Post-Retirement Cash Flow: Creative Ways to Generate Additional Income

Visit www.gilead.com


Wealth comes to us in many forms. It’s often said that health is wealth, and we agree. The many forms of love are also forms of wealth.

Money & Much More

Learn to craft your legacy with ease. It’s a great time to reflect on the future. Having the right legal documents in place for proper estate planning helps protect your assets, reduce tax liabilities, and provide the necessary instructions for distributing your estate.

Wise Women’s Wealth Plan

Auntie, your niece and nephew don’t really want another sweater this year. Here’s our guide for giving them what they really want: MONEY.