
Every kind and every flavor, from uptown Saturday nights to a Sunday kinda love. Family and friendship, as well as finding red-hot romance in mid-life and beyond.

Many of us experience a void by mid-life and into our later years. Maybe we’re empty-nesters, widows, or both. Maybe we’ve lost more than one cherished parent, or friend. Take heart: there’s much love out there!


We will explore how we love, the gift of love, and what we do about love in the coming issues. Knowing love in all of its forms, and truly understanding love, regardless of how it is expressed, is for sure one of the sweetest rewards of having lived a long life.

Welcome to the Love Zone!

Is judgement keeping you down, holding you back, especially when we’re talking about desire, passion, and erotic pleasure? Maybe the judgment is coming from you, yourself.

Sexy after Sixty

Sexy fishnet stocking clad legs

From the vantage-point of age, in the fifth, sixth and seventh decade of life, our view of love differs from how we felt as teenagers, as young brides, as young mothers. This is the point in life at which we may find ourselves grasping for a more refined vocabulary.


To thine own self be true. Love you. Then love some more, and love others. Self-love tips for today and always.