
Every kind and every flavor, from uptown Saturday nights to a Sunday kinda love. Family and friendship, as well as finding red-hot romance in mid-life and beyond.

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Protected: Family Relations

Ladies, we spend so much time caring for others, but as we enter the official Holiday Season, we need to give ourselves a gift. As mothers or grandmothers, we get so wrapped up in preparing for our families to have a great time—you know, cleaning, planning the menu, the parties, the gatherings, cooking the food, […]


Moving Forward  My dearest sisters, when summer winds down, it’s time to look forward to autumn activities—including the first day of fall in September. The month kicks off with the Labor Day weekend.  Later in the month, we’ll remember 9/11, observe Grandparents Day, and celebrate National Women’s Friendship Day. Summer has been spent, and it is […]

We Black Women Can Do It !

I became a mother at an age that the medical field describes as “advanced age.” That has made me think seriously about how I parent and how old my child will be when I want to retire! It also reminds me that there are many grandmothers out there raising their grand babies. In today’s dynamic […]

Nurturing Generations: Essential Tips for Grandmothers Raising Their Grandchildren

This week’s blog details love, specifically why we need it and different ways to get more of it.

Getting More Love In Your Life

Dr. Lou tells us how to love ourselves despite situations we may have found ourselves in.

Don’t Be Afraid to Love

To thine own self be true. Love you. Then love some more, and love others. Self-love tips for today and always.